Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Balinese Sunset Wedding at Lobby Pond
Kupu Kupu Barong Villas and Tree Spa (蝴蝶巴龍別墅)經營者為法國人,有著藝術家浪漫個性,在早年烏布區觀光條件尚未成熟時,就已經選擇在充滿藝術家色彩的烏布區蓋別墅,是烏布第一家精品別墅渡假村。

Kupu Kupu Barong Villas and Tree Spa 坐落於環繞約三公頃的熱帶森林,在別墅周圍的山谷林間時常可見顏色極為鮮豔的蝴蝶飛舞,這也是渡假村名字 Kupu Kupu Barong 的由來,Kupu 在印尼語意為蝴蝶,而 Barong 則是指峇里島傳統神話中的神獅,象徵神獅與蝴蝶。別致的峇里島特色建築,旅客可享受到茅草屋頂,鑲有柚木和椰殼的紅杉牆以及奢華的由峇里島織品所營造出的別致氛圍。


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Lobby Space
Lobby Space 接待大廳


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Swimming Pool
Swimming Pool 游泳池


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Exterior Villa
Exterior Villa 別墅外觀


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa F&B Restaurant
La View Restaurant 景觀餐廳

Booking a Table UK(Top 50 World's Most Amazing Restaurants With Spectacular Views)

BuzzFeed(32 Restaurants With Spectacular Views)


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Bird Nest Romantic Dinner
Birdnest Dinner 鳥巢浪漫晚餐


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Twilight Dinner
Twilight Dinner 暮光浪漫晚餐


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Mango Tree Spa by L
Mango Tree Spa by L'OCCITANE 芒果樹水中心

一片綠意盎然 ubud Ayung River Raftin (烏布阿樣河畔)提供了六種專屬療程室,在 8 米的芒果樹上以竹及木為建材原始的峇里島風格,傳承 L'OCCITANE (歐舒丹)以大自然創作靈感,運用天然植物精萃有機配方護膚產品,搭配獨特的法式按摩方法,研發出多元 L'OCCITANE (歐舒丹)療程在此享受面部護理、身體按摩...等療程,同時又能細賞眼前開闊的綠野,聆聽周邊的鳥語蟲吟,全身都可以感受大自然之寧謐美態。


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Tree Spa
Tree Spa 芒果樹水療


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Steam Room
Steam Room 蒸氣室


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Garden Spa
Garden Spa 花園水療


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Lumbung House
Lumbung House 郎邦宅院


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa  Facial by L
Spa Facial by L'OCCITANE 水療產品由歐舒丹提供


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Pool View Suite
Pool View Suite 泳池景觀別墅


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Ayung River Club Villa
Ayung River Club Villa 阿漾河俱樂部別墅


Kupu Kupu Barong Resort and Tree Spa Duplex Villa
Duplex Villa 豪華別墅


Kupu Kupu Barong Villas and Tree Spa Video 官方影片

Address:Kedewatan, P.O. Box 7, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia 80571
Web site:www.kupubarongubud.com
Opening January 2004


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